Final Report on Pilots - Amsterdam - and sustainability plans

Monday 23rd December 2019
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This document provides a general overview and final review of DECODE pilot activities in Amsterdam. It is recommended that this document be considered in conjunction with D5.5 ‘Deployment of Pilots in Amsterdam’1 which was published in March, 2019. As such, this document (D5.7) emphasises the updates from DECODE pilot activities since that time.

Specifically, this document reports on the final outcomes of the Amsterdam pilots and progress related to:

  • pilot 1: the implementation of attribute-based credential (ABCs) into Gebiedonline (GO) through IRMA.
  • pilot 2: the Anonymous Proof of ID (Formerly ‘Claim Verification 18+) pilot.
  • educational and engagement efforts (with governments in particular).
  • governmental dedication to developing privacy enhancing technologies.


The document concludes with a discussion on the impact of the Amsterdam pilot on three significant target groups: governments, developers across fields, and the general public. People and organizations within each of these groups have demonstrated a development in their approach towards issues of privacy and digital identity.