Aik is responsible for Amsterdam's innovation program Future Gov where we aim to think and act on rethinking government. Rethinking authority, tasks, patterns and the way of working. Coordinating Amsterdam’s blockchain and AI / Machine Learning pilots: city-as-a-testbed. Former director of the Dutch network for government management.

Alberto is a PhD researcher in scalable & private decentralized computation platforms at University College London (UCL), under the supervision of Prof. George Danezis. He has a master degree, in "electrical engineering" from Universite Catholique de Louvain, a master degree in "electrotechnick und informationstechnick" from Karlsruhe Institute of Technologies (KIT), and a third master degree in "information security" from University College London.

Industrial 3D Scanner/3D Printer expert, software developer and entrepreneur. Working in Decode as technical project manager, DevOps and communication manager for dyne.org

Dr. Antonio Calleja-López holds master degrees in Sociology (University of Exeter), Political Science (Arizona State University), and Philosophy (Universidad de Sevilla). He has been a Fulbright fellow and currently participates in the Technopolitics unit of the Communication Networks and Social Change research group, at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute of the Open University of Catalonia. He is also a member of the Datanalysis15M research network, and investigates subjects such as networked social movements and democratic theory.

From Dimmons.net, Bruno works on the economic aspects related to DECODE

Carlo is working on CNRS research reports about economic and regulatory analysis of data platforms and the commons-based economic models.

Christine van den Horn is responsible for the public programme of Waag, our interface to the outside world, aimed at sharing of knowledge, vision and showing projects to a wide audience.

D. Cuartielles is one of the founders of Arduino. Cuartielles also teaches technology and IoT at the university of Malmo, Sweden.

David is research scientist in Computational Social Science. His main research interest is the study of online interactions and collective behaviour. David leads Eurecat’s participation to the DECODE project.

Dr. Arnau Monterde holds a PhD in Information and Knowledge Society by the Open University of Catalunya. Since 2011 he is the coordinator of the Technopolitics unit within the research group Communication Networks and Social Change at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3-UOC). He is one of the designers of Decidim Barcelona Project. He works with models and emerging forms of political participation and democracy in network society. He is part of the research network Datanalysis15M and investigates the emergence and evolution of movements in the network society, combining qualitative, quantitative methodologies and digital methods of analysis.

Denis Roio, better known as Jaromil, CTO and co-founder of the Dyne.org think&do tank. He received the Vilém Flusser Award at Transmediale (Berlin, 2009) while leading for 6 years the R&D department of the Netherlands Media art Institute (Montevideo/TBA), he is a fellow of Waag (Amsterdam), included in the "Purpose Economy" list of top 100 soc ial enterpreneurs in EU (2014) and the "40 under 40" European young leaders program. Jaromil is leading the design of DECODE's technical architecture.

Eleonora is specialized in fundamental rights, privacy law and data governance

Emma is a Research Assistant at Nesta, working on DECODE's communication, events and policy research.

Enric Senabre Hidalgo works at Dimmons as PhD candidate connecting collaborative research practices with design thinking methodologies and agile frameworks. He’s currently Research Fellow at CECAN, University of Surrey. Previously he was an active member of Platoniq collective, co-founder and project manager at the platform Goteo.org for civic crowdfunding.

E. Lopez is a hardware designer, working with PCB design, prototyping, developing software and firmware, and with testing and verifying assembled boards.

Federico Bonelli's expertise is creative research, a term without boundaries. He has a theoretical background as philosopher of science and cultivates practical skills in different fields of multimedia research and creation. Federico works as Artistic Director at Dyne.org foundation, leading co-creation workshops and designing new interaction patterns.

Francesca is the Project Coordinator (PC) therefore the main scientific and technical point of contact with the EC and for inter-partner cooperation and acts as the official representative of DECODE. She leads the Management Board and chairs the General Assembly.

Francisco coordinates work on integration of Geographical Information Technologies (GIT) in Big Data platforms. He obtained his PhD in Physical Geography in 2014 from the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning of the University of Lisbon. His research is centred on GIT (Geospatial analysis and Remote Sensing) to support integrated urban development and ecological simulation models. In DECODE he develops tasks related to integration, analysis and visualization of geospatial information in the Barcelona IoT pilot.

George Danezis, B.A, M.A (Cantab), Ph.D, FBCS George Danezis is a Professor of Security and Privacy Engineering at the Department of Computer Science of University College London, and Head of the Information Security Research Group. He has been working on anonymous communications, privacy enhancing technologies (PET), and traffic analysis since 2000. He has previously been a researcher for Microsoft Research, Cambridge; a visiting fellow at K.U.Leuven (Belgium); and a research associate at the University of Cambridge (UK), where he also completed his doctoral dissertation under the supervision of Prof. R.J. Anderson. His theoretical contributions to the Privacy Technologies field include the established information theoretic and other probabilistic metrics for anonymity and pioneering the study of statistical attacks against anonymity systems. On the practical side he is one of the lead designers of the anonymous mail system Mixminion, as well as Minx, Sphinx, Drac and Hornet; he has worked on the traffic analysis of deployed protocols such as Tor. His current research interests focus around secure communications, high-integirty systems to support privacy, smart grid privacy, peer-to-peer and social network security, as well as the application of machine learning techniques to security problems. He has published over 70 peer-reviewed scientific papers on these topics in international conferences and journals. He was the co-program chair of ACM Computer and Communications Security Conference in 2011 and 2012, IFCA Financial Cryptography and Data Security in 2011, the Privacy Enhancing Technologies Workshop in 2005 and 2006. He sits on the PET Symposium board and ACM CCS Steering committee and he regularly serves in program committees of leading conferences in the field of privacy and security. He is a fellow of the British Computing Society since 2014.
Web page: http://www0.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/G.Danezis/
Full CV: http://www0.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/G.Danezis/danezis-cv.pdf

As community manager at Waag Gijs is leading both DECODE pilots in Amsterdam.

Giulia is working on CNRS research reports about economic and regulatory analysis of data platforms (supervised by Stefano Lucarelli) and the commons-based economic models (supervised by Carlo Vercellone).

Guido Smorto is Full Professor of Comparative law at University of Palermo (Italy), where he also teaches Economic analysis of law, and Member of Dimmons at IN3 “Internet interdisciplinary studies” at UOC (Barcelona - Spain). As International Visiting Professor he taught in U.S.A. (Fordham School of Law), Japan (Nagoya University) and was "Professore Visitante" in Brazil (Universidade Oeste de Santa Catarina). His articles focus on the regulation of peer-to-peer markets and commons-based economic models. On these topics, beside scholarly works and non academic articles, he published a Report on behalf of EU Commission and a Research paper for the EU Parliament.

Jaap-Henk is scientific director of the Privacy & Identity Lab and studies privacy enhancing technologies and privacy by design

Javier supports the Project Coordinator for revising that the efforts are focused in following the work plan, monitor the milestone accomplishment and guarantee deliverable on time execution. He works on the coordination of the Barcelona pilots with the rest of the IMI team and acts as interlocutor between Barcelona City Council and the pilot partners providing the tools needed in each case. Moreover, he collaborates with the city council to host part of the DECODE infrastructure.

As a digital anthropologist Jennifer is the connection between those who build and those who will use digital tools for empowerment of communities with a high privacy consideration.

Jim is a Principal Architect at ThoughtWorks where he has consulted for a wide range of clients over the past 10 years. He became more deeply involved with blockchain whilst working at the UK Land Registry. Since then he has been leading the UK blockchain thinking within ThoughtWorks including working with R3 and Corda and leading the DECODE ThoughtWorks team.

Coordinator of all tasks of Waag within the project.

Jordi Allué is a Software Engineer at Eurecat, he is responsible of the back-end and the front-end development of BarcelonaNow.

Lawyer specialized in IT, rights on immaterial goods (including free licenses) and privacy

Marco Sachy is a Cryptocurrency and distributed ledger designer at Dyne.org Foundation with a background in monetary theory and policy, social-purpose complementary currency systems, and qualitative research for agile user experience. He holds a PhD from University of Leicester School of Business.

Mark is the Lead Software Engineer for thingful and brings in experience in data entitlement, semantic understanding and IOT systems to the DECODE project.

Mayo Fuster Morell is the Dimmons director of research on collaborative economy at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute of the Open University of Catalonia. Additionally, she is faculty affiliated at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, and at Institute of Govern and Public Policies at Autonomous University of Barcelona (IGOPnet).

Mirko is a PhD Student in Computer Science at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Cagliari (Italy). His research interests include Image Processing, Signal Processing, Machine Learning and Deep Learning applied to spatio-temporal data and multimedia content. He has been collaborating with Eurecat on the BarcelonaNow pilot developed under the DECODE project since late 2017.
Coordinator of all tasks for thingful within the project.

Ula keeps track of project achievements with regard to the technical specifications of the EC contract and proposes actions concerning the technical aspects of the project. He acts in close collaboration with the work package leaders and supports the Project Coordinator

Pablo is a researcher in the Big Data & Data Science Unit at Eurecat and in the Machine Learning research group at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. He focuses on the effects of digital platforms on citizen participatory processes. Pablo contributes to the DECODE project developing data visualization interfaces for the Distributed Democracy Data Commons pilot.

Pau acts as a liasion officer among partners and the European Comission, focused on guiding partners and managing all variables, in order to help taking the right decission when necessary to reach the project common goal.

Pol coordinates and oversees the development of the pilots in Barcelona, including their design, technical fit with DECODE arquitecture, participation in workshops and implementation.

Digital Rights and Free Software hacktivist and entrepreneur. Deep technical background and a curious hackish attitude helps him to be a smart problem solver.
Developing communication software among the components of Decode, infrastructure and DevOps for dyne.org

Ricard Espelt PhD candidate in the Program of the Information Society and Knowledge at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) with the research project «Self-consumption in the era of Network Society. The role of ICT in collaborative consumption of agricultural products», directed by Ismael Peña-López. Information Society and Knowledge UOC master and Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona graduate.

Rob van Kranenburg is the founder of the Internet of Things Council and wrote "The Internet of Things. A critique of ambient technology and the all-seeing network of RFID" published by the Institute of Network Cultures. Rob is is also co-editor of Enabling Things to Talk Designing IoT solutions with the IoT Architectural Reference Model, Springer Open Access and a member of the SmartCitiesWorld Advisory Board. He chairs AC04 - IoT Hyper-connected Society of the IERC, The European Research Cluster on the Internet of Things and is a member of The IoT Asia 2017 International Advisory Panel (IAP).

Dr. Rohit Kumar is a researcher in Eurecat and is the lead Big data engineer. Kumar's research interests include Graph Data mining, Data Stream mining, Distributed Graph processing, Information diffusion and information flow mining in social networks, and characterizing time dependent interaction networks.

Selina is an economist specialized in contract law and in free licenses

Shehar Bano is a postdoctoral researcher in the Information Security Research Group at University College London. Her research interests centre on networked systems, particularly in the context of security and measurement. Currently, she is working on scalability of blockchain technologies as part of the DECODE project. She is also interested in measurement of IP liveness via active Internet scans. Another area of research is understanding online ecosystems, focusing on propaganda in online media and malvertizing over censorship circumvention tools. She received her Ph.D. degree ("Characterization of Internet Censorship from Multiple Perspectives") from the University of Cambridge in 2017 under the supervision of Prof. Jon Crowcroft (and co-supervised by Dr. Steven Murdoch, Prof. Vern Paxson, and Prof. Ross Anderson) where she was an Honorary Cambridge Trust Scholar, and was awarded the Mary Bradburn Scholarship by the British Federation of Women Graduates for her research work. Previously she worked on Intrusion Detection Systems (Bro), and wrote an open-source software for botnet detection (BotFlex). She interned at ICSI, UC Berkeley in 2012 and 2013. She received her Master's degree in Computer and Communication Security from National University of Science and Technology, Pakistan in 2013 for which she was awarded the President's Gold Medal. Her work has been published in the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, the ACM Internet Measurement Conference, the Symposium on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, and other well-respected venues. Web page: http://www0.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/S.Bano

Stefano is coordinator for the task liaising with various standards and interoperability bodies and organisations.

Stefano is working on CNRS research reports about economic and regulatory analysis of data platforms and the commons-based economic models.

Theo is a Researcher at Nesta focusing on smart cities, tools for privacy and democratic innovation.

Tom Demeyer (m) is Head of Technology and lead of the Future Internet Lab at Waag. In 1998, he started at Waag as a senior developer of real-time audiovisual software, something he already worked on at STEIM since 1987. Applications like BigEye and Image/ine, but also hardware sensor interfaces like Sensorlab were at the cradle of real-time computer technology in the performing arts.
Currently his main interests are data analysis and data ethics, privacy and security enhancing technologies and the semantic web.

Tom is working on Nesta's research reports, and the communications aspects of DECODE

Xavier supports the Barcelona Pilot coordinator in ensuring the delivery of the Barcelona DECODE pilots. He manages the relationship with the involved communities and leads the usability and user feedback from pilot implementation.